Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Apiit UCTI Dance Club

This is the new blog for Apiit UCTI Dance club. All the details and updates about the club will be post here.

Starting from August 2007, a minimal FEE will be charge per month for the classes happening.

Hip Hop/ Breakdance Instructor WANTED. For more detail, please contact Edmund by hp: 0169789048 or email: apiituctidanceclub@gmail.com.



Unknown said...

When will the breakdance classes start lar?..

Unknown said...

When will the breakdance classes start lar?..

rexaze said...

ya.. When will it start? august? will notice be given? location? can't wait to learn dancing.. i suck at it though..

rexaze said...

and thiru(vijaya) ;P
i bet u suck at it too..

rexaze said...

will there be break dance class or only hip hop ???