Sunday, October 12, 2008

Danze2Nista 2008 Participants Info

Hey, for anyone that are interested in the Tournaments, here are some briefs info:

Reality Dance Tournament
Registration Fees- RM50 per team
Group- Consist of 2-8 people
Performing time- Not more then 5minutes
There will not be any audition but a perliminary round on the 1st November 2008 to get the top 10group for FINALS
Registration form can be downloaded at the side bar.

Online Dance Tournament
Registration Fees- RM15 per person
There will no be any audtion but a perliminary round on the 1st Novermber 2008 to get the top 12 for FINALS
Registration form can be downloaded at the side bar.

For more info, feel free to ask us on the chatter box or email to us or sms or call us. Thanks you

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